Erie Downtown Partnership has been around for 17 years, focused on creating a stronger downtown.

CEO John Buchna calls it a governmental non-profit.

"It's connected very closely to the city where we're a tool and organization in place to help with the revitalization or rebirth and regrowth of downtown Erie," said Buchna.

The Downtown Partnership hosts the Summer Block Party series in the city's parks and Downtown D'Lights Christmas tree lighting and holiday celebration in Perry Square.

The Partnership plans to bring local vendors, local artists, local beer and local food to Perry Square.

"We're really hoping to provide an opportunity for small businesses and local vendors to showcase their talents their goods here and support them all summer like we did last year," said Dave Tamulonis, events manager.

The Erie Downtown Partnership even hosted its first farmers market in Perry Square.

200 events were planned for 2020, but only a handful went on due to COVID-19.

While COVID-19 has created planning challenges, it is reimagining safe downtown events. The Downtown Partnership is planning several outdoor events. Details will be released in early to mid-June.

Despite the pandemic, private sector investments were still coming in.

"We were very thankful for some grant funders who were there," said Buchna. "They provided some much needed funds that we got to our businesses."

"We want the community to realize now, 'Look at what we have here in Erie,'" said Bucha. "There's half a billion dollars in investment coming online this year and into next."

The organization is also working to beautify the city.

"We clean the sidewalks," said John Yost, maintenance supervisor. "There's a lot of debris. It's an ongoing thing everyday."

He and a CARE crew help clean a 70 block area from the bayfront south to the railroad tracks at 14th St. from Sassafras to Holland St. It's the same area the Downtown Partnership oversees.

You can learn more on the Erie Downtown Partnership's website.