Building Connections with Big Brother Big Sister Program: Giving You the Business


Not everybody has a sibling. But it's important to have someone to look up to in life. A mentor or a friend, like a big brother or big sister.

This week Erie News Now shares how an organization in Northwest Pennsylvania has been providing all those things for more than 50 years.

Bowling: For Kids' Sake. It's an activity and the biggest fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Family Services of Northwest PA.

The non-profit started in 1971.

"Really, it is to provide mentorship for youth in the community that need a positive influence in their life," said Heather. 

Heather Filson tells me the mission is still the same. Her hope to be a Big Sib. turned into a job when she scrolled through the website. Now, she helps pair youth with adult volunteers.

"We like to match children with adults that have similar interests. We also like to try to match geographically," said Heather. 

Children ranging from 6 years old to 23 can be matched. The hope is to see them through elementary school into adulthood.

"It just makes you feel good," said Caleb. "It makes you feel good that you're doing something, you're getting involved in the community, you're making an impact. It's not just impacting them, it's impacting the big too."

Caleb Yauger is a Big to a 14-year-old boy.

And while the Erie News Now reporter usually tells stories of other people, he's sharing how the organization has impacted him.

"You're kind of an adult, guardian figure in their life, so you have to be responsible," said Caleb. 

But he and his Little have had their share of fun too.

Enjoying time together at places in the community and at events sponsored by the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization. Quality time, not money spent, is what matters.

Youth safety is a priority, so background checks are needed from the Big Sibs, along with at least a one-year commitment.

"Many of our matches last a lifetime," said Heather. 

There are 52 matches right now, but there are also 50 kids still on a waiting list.

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