SUGAR GROVE---Lisa McLucas has not seen her dog Adam, since last Friday.

"We went out looking for him,” said McLucas.  “We figured he was just in the woods running around chasing woodchucks or deer.  Saturday, there was still no trace and that's not like Adam, because he stays around here."

After speaking with neighbors, McLucas discovered that her neighbor's dog Ruby and several other dogs have also disappeared, so she called the police.

"We've had Adam for seven years and we want him back,” said McLucas.  “We want him back."

According to the Paws Along the River Humane Society in Warren, PA, Adam is one of five dogs to have gone missing from the Pittsfield/Sugar Grove area, since August 25.

The organization has since issued an alert on its Facebook page, and is urging everyone to keep a close eye on their dogs, specifically medium to large breeds.

McLucas and her neighbors believe their pets were stolen.

“We would never think that out here, someone would do this to us,” said McLucas.  “Not knowing where he's at…who has him?  If they've done anything to him.  That's the hardest part."

Along with contacting state police and the humane society, McLucas has also placed flyers throughout Sugar Grove and is now offering a $1,000 reward for Adam's safe return.

"If you know something, just bring him home,” said McLucas.  “Bring him home, and bring other people their dogs."

State police in Warren say they are looking into these cases and are urging everyone in the area to keep a close eye on their dogs.