Home. The place you live, no matter if you have lived in the same home for many years - or just recently, it's a place you can make your own.
For a few hundred people living in a mobile home park in Erie County, home - for them - is in jeopardy.
And there is a call to action.

Patti Starvaggi has filled her home with memories over the 22 years she's lived here, in the Summit Heights mobile home park in Erie County.

But now her table is filled with paperwork. Letters and forms are being sent out so she can still live at home.

Starvaggi says, "Right now the only protection we have is that they can only pass it once a year."

She's talking about taking action against the rising lot fees. She says the new owners-- who took over ownership of the park more than four years ago, have raised prices several times.

Starvaggi said, "Six months when they took over, the lot rent went up 50 dollars a month. The second year it went up 30 dollars a month. The third year another 50."

But that's not all, Patti says a 118-dollar rate hike followed.

Eva Mastromatteo visited the park office and called to get more details. The door was never opened and the calls were not returned.

But Patti and her neighbor, Wendy Henry decided to take action. They created informational packets and delivered them to every home in the park.

There are just over 300 homes in Summit Height. According to the park website, the park is marketed as a 55-plus community. 

Wendy Henry says, "They were tickled to death to see someone trying to help with the lot increase." 

Neighbors informing neighbors, hearing stories of struggles.

"Most of these people are seniors, they are veterans and they're widows and widowers and they have fixed incomes," said Patti. 

Knowing rate hikes are inevitable, the aim is now working on a cap of "how much" owners can ask for so that they don't have to stay in their homes and worry about moving these manufactured structures. 

"We're trying right now to get a 10 percent cap put on it so that it's not raised any more than that," said Patti. 

The owners of Summit Heights own more than one park, locally. The lot fee increase is not just happening here, it's an issue across Pennsylvania.