WASHINGTON, D.C. - In Pennsylvania’s local congressional House and Senate primary races, each candidate is running uncontested. But come November, Pennsylvania will be one of the most watched states for the US House and Senate races.   

For our local congressional House races, there are no primary challengers for the Republican and Democratic congressional nominations. Meaning in November, voters in Northeast PA will get to choose between incumbent Rep. Dan Meuser and Democrat Amanda Waldman. In North-Central PA, voters will decide between incumbent Rep. Glenn Thompson and Democrat Zach Womer. In the Northwest, voters will choose between incumbent Rep. Mike Kelly and Democrat Preston Nouri.   

Incumbent Senator Bob Casey is not facing any challengers for the Democratic nomination. This primary will cement Casey and Republican challenger Dave McCormick for the November election. Political scientists said this will be the toughest race Casey will face.   

“We’re expecting this to be a lot of money spent and put in through the national committees because all that separates them is one vote and all of these states matter and Pennsylvania is one of them,” said Dr. Todd Belt, George Washington University Professor and Director of Political Management.   

Each chamber is narrowly divided by just a handful of seats for the majority. Currently, Republicans control the House and Democrats control the Senate. So while there’s not competition to win the party’s nomination in today’s congressional primary, we expect the races to heat up in November.