Erie County Democratic Party Chairman Sam Talarico spent the day monitoring the election results at the Democratic headquarters.

According to Talarico, the lack of contested races, and increase in independent voters led to Tuesday's turnout.

Talarico also credits write-in votes with helping the Democratic Party.

"Erie County is going to be crucial, we know that the Biden campaign will probably have four offices so they are taking it very seriously. I think the biggest thing was the lack of a lot of competitive local primaries on both sides," Talarico said.

Erie County Republican Chairman Tom Eddy said something he has been focusing on is getting turnout on mail-in voting for Republicans to increase, which he says it has.

Eddy said something he has been focusing on is getting turnout on mail-in voting for republicans to increase, which he says it has.

After talking with Republican voters at polling stations they said the top issues on their minds going into November were the economy, inflation and gas prices.

Eddy said he believes his candidates have the right tools to fix those problems.

"We have got a great slate of candidates, they all know what has to be done and we have to really get this economy and inflation under control and do things that are going to be beneficial to the people that live in this country," Eddy said.