The CDC released a study on Thursday with the latest numbers of drivers who admit to dosing off behind the wheel. They say that one in 24 adults admit to driving while drowsy. That's 4% of the population.

We caught up with drivers fueling at travel center Thursday evening just off of Interstate 90. They say they aren't shocked by the numbers. In fact, they say they're actually surprised those numbers aren't higher. 

Both every day drivers and truck drivers we caught up with tell us unfortunately its just another thing to be cautious of while driving.

"Its just a controlled risk every time you get behind the wheel," said Adam Gettelfinger of Buffalo, New York. "Just like some people could be operating impaired or the car in front of could spin out of control in adverse conditions. Its just something to be alert and watch for while you're on the road."

"You just got to be smart enough to slow down and stay back and let them do their thing because I can't stop as quick as everybody else," said truck driver Tom Lucas. "When you're about 80,000 lbs., it take a lot more to get you slowed down."

Those who conducted the study believe the numbers are actually higher because people don't always realize they've nodded off for a second or two. But they say that amount of time can be extremely dangerous.