The third largest Christian group in America voted this week to uphold and strengthen restrictions on LGBT clergy and gay marriage.

At their General Conference delegates from around the world, including clergy and lay people, decided to adopt a traditional plan.

It’s a re-affirmation of their current stance which prohibits the ordination of LGBT clergy and performing of gay marriages.
The “Traditional Plan” will give the church more power to remove LGBT clergy and churches who perform those ceremonies.

At the general conference in St. Louis there were two other options as well.

The “Simple Plan” which would have removed all mentions of homosexuality from the Methodist doctrine's "Book of Discipline."
There was also the more accepted “One Church Plan,” which would have allowed individual churches and regional districts to decide.
Both were rejected.

The “Traditional Plan” passed by 54 votes, with a clear division between American delegates and those from the international communities in Africa, Asia, and Europe.