It's the time of year when drivers and riders start sharing the road again. Motorcyclists are starting to bring out their bikes after being stored away all winter long.

Erie News Now talked with local bikers who want to remind drivers to be extra cautious now that bikers will soon be back on the streets in large numbers.

They ask that local motorists stay back at stop signs and lights to minimize the chances of rear-ending or knocking a biker off their motorcycle. "I was sitting at a red light waiting for the light to change and the guy behind me turns around to swat his kid, lifts his foot off the brake and runs into me," Motorcyclist Norm Gates said.

Gates' experience is shared by many bikers. "My front tire got hit. Bike got taken out by a lady that ran a red light," Motorcyclist Zachariah Purpuri said.

To avoid accidents, be sure to look twice before pulling out of an intersection, use your turn signals and keep your car a distraction-free zone. The biggest issue local bikers are talking about is the use of cellphones while driving.

"They're talking on their phone, texting, as they're inching up behind us," Motorcyclist William Slagle said. The most recent data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shows distracted driving caused nearly 35,000 crashes in 2016 alone. Because of those crashes, more than 37,000 people died.