We continue our Haunted Erie series looking at a story that is part history and part legend.

It is the story of General Mad Anthony Wayne and his bones.

According the legend, the ghost of General Wayne stalks Route 322 one day a year on New Year's Day, which is his birthday.

What is the story behind the spooky legend?

Well it begins in 1795, when the Revolutionary War hero became sick in Erie.

He died and was buried at what is known at the Wayne Blockhouse.

But 13 years later, his family decided to exhume the body so he could be reburied in a family plot near Philadelphia.

That is where the story gets interesting.

George Deutsch of the Erie County Historical Society said, "When they opened up the grave and opened the coffin, which was a leaded coffin, they found him in almost a perfect state of preservation."

That was a problem because transporting a large, decaying corpse from Erie to Philadelphia was not practical.

So they decided to use a large pot to cook the remains and just ship the skeleton.

But according to legend some of the bones did not make it back to Philadelphia.

Deutsch said, "As the cart bounced along, some of the bones fell out, and the legend goes that Anthony Wayne on his birthday which is January 1st, comes back and haunts Route 322 looking for his bones."