Tri-County Letter/Parcel Presort Service has been helping businesses with their mailings since the late 1970s.

The small business on Shannon Road has a big reach.

The company handles a lot of mail.

One machine alone can process 40,000 pieces an hour.

It puts a bar code on each piece.

That eliminates some work at the post office, and helps customers save money.

Director of Operations Erik Mildner said, "Whatever they can do to save on those postage costs can really add up. Our goal is to get it to a 9% savings on all of their postage costs."

But cost savings is just one reason so many company use Tri-County.

The business also handles many types of mail services from sorting to pickup and delivery right to the post office.

President-CEO Dawn Kagiavas said,"You name it, anything with mail, we can help out with."

Real estate agent Tom Jones has Tri-County handle of of the mailing from his office. He has been a customer for many years.

He said Tri-County helps save money and time.

He said, "If I had to try to get my staff to put together the mailing that this company does I would be wasting their time."

Tri-County handles a lot of mail every year. In a typical year, about 2 million pieces from customers in Erie, Crawford,Warren and Chautauqua Counties.

Dawn Kagiavas said, "Anybody who has any sort of mail, mail volume, bulk mailing or standard mailing or media mailing we can help with it all."