Now in green phase many people will be looking to get out of the house but with people traveling less there's a bigger interest in buying boats. Owner of Alek's Powersports Mark Aleksandrowiczs said he was worried about his business when he first closed his doors in march but knowing what he knows today he wishes he doubled or tripled his innovatory at that time.

When Alek's Powersports reopened their doors at the beginning of yellow phase there was an explosion of customers looking to buy go-carts, boats, jet skis and more. Mark Aleksandrowicz's wife even came out of retirement to answer phones.

But with factories being shut down during the pandemic and many now working at half staff, the customers were told that these motor-sport vehicles just aren't available. 

Aleksandrowicz was told he may not get new products in until at least mid July. 

"The phone calls are coming in and just as simple as, 'do you have any go-carts?' it's like, 'no' and then click," said Aleksandrowicz. 

Aleksandrowicz says he doesn't think his business is in jeopardy although his innovatory is low and he'll have a better idea of what his sustainability will look like come August.