New signs are up at several locations on Presque Isle warning visitors about toxic algae blooms.

Right now, the problem confined to the bay side of the park.

Recent testing has found toxin levels that could be harmful to dogs.

Many dog owners today said they saw the signs and will not let their dogs into the bay water. 

Now algae blooms have been around our region for several years.

The biggest one in Lake Erie in Toledo, Ohio in 2014.

But many smaller ones along the Erie Bayfront and Chautauqua Lake.

If toxin levels are high enough, the blooms are dangerous to humans.

Breanna Adams of the Erie County Health Department said, "It could make people sick with gastrointestinal problems or even affect the neurological system, depending on the concentration."

The Regional Science Consortium tests 20 different sites in our area, looking for toxic algae blooms.