There's a problem with those plastic bags we get at the supermarket.  Basically, they're only used one time and most likely they're going to end up in landfills or littering our streets and waterways.

That's not always the case in Summit Township in Erie County.  Beginning in 2019, the Summit Lions Club began collecting grocery bags and other items made of plastic film. They got the idea from a Lions Club in Westmoreland County that already had a successful program of collecting plastic bags for recycling.  Those recycled bags were used to make park benches for the community.

"It seemed like a fairly simple, easy project to do,” recalled Janet Mitchell, President of the Summit Lions Club.  “So we brought it back to our club. And of course, when you tell them you have to save 500 pounds of plastic film and plastic doesn't weigh anything, there was a lot of grumbling at first."

Collecting 500 pounds of plastic for one park bench does seem like a daunting task.  Club members set a six month deadline to collect that amount for their first bench. They hoped to receive a bunch of community support.

"500 pounds in a 6-month time period sounds like we are never going to do it.  But, I believe we did our 500 pounds in three months,” said Janet.

The reward for collecting that 500 pounds of plastic is currently on display at the Summit Municipal Building lobby.   It’s a nice green bench made from recycled plastic bags.  It will be placed at Picnicana Park once the warm weather returns.  The Lions have also collected enough plastic to obtain a second bench.  It recently arrived and will be placed at the Veterans Memorial in front of the municipal building.  An additional bench for the memorial is planned.

"We have the first bench here so we're in the process right now of starting for earning for the second bench,” says Janet.

Club members who initially grumbled about collecting plastic are now having fun with the project.  The Lions also collect bubble packing wrap and those bubbles must be burst before recycling. So the group has a bubble bursting party. Janet says the plastic collection has turned out to be a fun event and provides service to the community.

The Lions Club also collects plastic items such as bread bags, dry cleaning bags, ice bags, and Ziploc bags. Collection sites are set up at the Summit Municipal Building and at the Summit Senior Center.