The majestic Bicentennial Tower, Erie's symbol along the bayfront, is likely the most notorious project done by the Perry Construction Group.

It's named after the family's legacy construction work on the Perry Monument at Presque Isle State Park.

Robert Doyle is the company's current president, and construction is his family's livelihood.

"[My dad's dad] was the first generation of builders with the last name Doyle in Erie," he said.

Robert grew up learning from his dad, John J. Doyle. Now, Robert's sons are the next generation to take the lead.

Perry Construction started in 1990 with Robert, his dad and current office manager Becky Pollack.

"I remember our first big job, and Rob's dad saying because I got a little nervous, 'Don't worry, Becky,'" said Pollack. "He [said], '[It's the] same thing; its just a bigger number."

Everyone played a part as the company grew.

"I was the outside guy," said Robert. "I took care of the estimating. I drove the truck. I did everything. Senior made sure we were able to pay the bills." 

On the payroll is project manager Tim Palmer. He has been a part of work that is helping to shape the region including school work locally.

"We just finished the Bay House, UPMC ballpark, State Street dock wall," said Palmer. "We're down at the Children's Museum right now."

One of the current, bigger projects Perry Construction is handling a $34 million phased project at the Erie County Technical School. When school starts, students will be able to be inside in one part while work is done on the other part.

"It's a complete renovation of all mechanical electrical plumbing systems [and] a facelift of all the architectural features with an added 20,000-square-foot print of new structure," said Seth Peters, site superintendent.

It is just one of many projects going on at one time for the company.

While Perry Construction is PennDOT licensed and has done major retail work in other states, local projects have been setting the foundation for generations to come.