JAMESTOWN, NY (WNY News Now) – A new skatepark is slated to open in the City of Jamestown this Saturday.

The Power House Skatepark is located at 117 Fairmount Avenue between West 6th and 8th Streets.

The site is named in memory of the City’s trolley system power station, which operated in the area from 1891 to 1938.

Fundraising efforts for the project began over ten years ago, with Pete Scheira, owner of Jamestown Skate Products leading the way.

Supplementing grants from the City and other sources were matched by the Tony Hawk Foundation as well.

Workers then broke ground in early May of 2021 on the 10,000 foot project, which was overseen by Grindline Skateparks.

Constantly changing designs, the skatepark will finally be opening after more than a year since work began, in an event that Director of Development Crystal Surdyk says is a longtime coming.

“We’ll have our thank yous and make sure that we recognise everyone who’s been involved in the project,“ explained Surdyk. “Appreciating all of their support, the funding, it’s been a long time, a long process, and the skatepark itself has seen quite an evolution from what it was originally going to be.”

The park will officially open on Saturday, October 1 at noon. The public is encouraged to attend to help christen the new amenity.