While Republicans had been hoping for a "Red Wave" following Election Day, it seems it was little more than a ripple in Pennsylvania politics, with the G.O.P. losing out on a Senate seat, and the Governor position.

Jeffery Bloodworth, a political history professor at Gannon University, largely blames it on former President Donald Trump.

"Donald Trump, handpicked a series of extremely bad candidates who then cast a kind of a pall across all Republicans," said Bloodworth. "So you get bad candidates and you have also, the Dobbs ruling abortion motivating Democrats."

Bloodworth theorizes that if Trump's name isn't on the ballot, his supporters will feel less motivated to come out to the polls. He compared the former President to an albatross weighing the Republican party down.

"He brings out his voters," continued Bloodworth. "So if he's on the ballot, you can argue he's not an albatross, when he's not on the ballot. He doesn't get his voters coming out in the same numbers."

The Republicans also faced criticisms from within their own party.

"The Republicans did an effective job of reaching out to one half of the country," said Philip English, a Republican, and former U.S. Representative for the Pennsylvania 3rd District (which has since be re-districted to the be near Philadelphia).

"They they did not do an effective job of breaking through with many others. And some issues like abortion, they did not do a very good job of of explaining what was at stake and what was actually happening."

English also criticized his party's choice of nominees.

"He came out of the primary with a lot of liabilities," said English on Oz. "And in the end, he wasn't able to fully overcome them. Many people viewed him as an outsider to Pennsylvania. And I know from my own experience, Pennsylvanians value having Pennsylvania representatives with deep roots here."

"The Democrats nominated a very good, very popular candidate for governor," continued English. "The Republican candidate wasn't able to put it together and proved to be fairly controversial."

But Bloodworth says that just because the Republicans didn't succeed, doesn't mean the Democrats won either.

"You know, this was not a victory for Democrats," said Bloodworth. "This is a defeat for Trump-ism and the Republican Party and both parties. I mean, if they actually want to win and coalesce an enduring majority and, govern actually rather than like just showmanship, you move to the center."

"Everybody kind of understands what the issues are, and the weaknesses of these two parties And you can coalesce an enduring majority and we can get out of this kind of seesaw of every election of one party, than the other. I mean, it's right there in front of both parties."