If you are looking for a holiday cocktail and want to cater to those who like spirits and those who drink non alcoholic selections, a growing Erie business has some choices for you.

And the drinks come with some very catchy names.

Spirit free cocktails, that's right, the Erie Pennsylvania based brand known as Blind Tiger is non alcoholic.

It's creation, was prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The impetus was from our bar and restaurant, Room 33. When we were mandated to take out only during COVID," said Rebecca. "We we're allowed to sell alcohol to go in the state of Pennsylvania, so we had to come up with some sort of alternative."

The founder of Room 33, in downtown Erie, Rebecca Styn, launched Blind Tiger in January 2021.

The four drink alternatives, and company name, carry the theme of Room 33, a speakeasy.

"So Room 33 is obviously inspired by pre imposed prohibition era and Blind Tiger was a moniker 4 speakeasy during the prohibition," said Styn. "So, they would put stuffed tigers in windows of establishments that were serving illicit alcohol to let patrons know of the availability of it."

Right now, the availability of these four, natural based drinks are sold in several states.

"We're in distribution in Michigan, we're in California, we're in New York, New Jersey, we're in Pennsylvania, Montana," said Styn. 

The cocktails are meant to give consumers a choice.

"They're really nice by themselves, you don't have to add a mixer they're not like the syrupy mixer cocktails but we use the natural flavors of the spirit so that if you added a spirit," said Syn. "It just enhances the flavor profile." 

Every label has a story, a history of the classically named drinks

They can be found in 16 or 32 oz bottles, the Bees Knees so far, has proven to be the best seller. Though there's plans for more variations of the brand, already in the works. 

Rebecca said Southside blend was reportable Al Capone's favorite flavor.

They are sold locally in five Giant Eagle locations in Erie county, and of course at, Room 33. But if you want to purchase online, you can do that here

There's free shipping with code speakeasy. Rebecca recommends that you order by this Friday if you want to get it by Christmas.