Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church was packed as friends, families and loved ones said their goodbyes to Tyre Nichols on Wednesday.

Pastor Ryan Gaines, the Senior Pastor at Abundant Life Ministries has presided over funerals involving victims of violence and knows just how challenging these funerals can be to pastors.

"I always try to address the pain that the family will be feeling. No, I don't understand their pain at that time. But you know what? I can just give them some type of inspiration on, you know, and how to still depend on God as they go forth and face that giant called grief", explained Pastor Gaines. 

Pastor Gaines said he takes his time crafting a eulogy and always tries to turn the attention to the family. In this case, Gaines said he would speak towards Nichol's mother in the eulogy, "My focus would be on speaking to his mother because after this is all over and done with. About a month from now, the grief is going to set in severely heavy on her to where the clipping of that video clipping of her son's shouting, 'mother', 'mom'. That's going to echo in her head."

Fr. Jason Glover, the Pastor of St. Stanislaus Church has had his fair share of challenging funerals. In addition to being pastor, he also serves as the Chaplin to the Erie Police Department.

He explained what his job entails, "I try to be present to the individual officers of the administration, try to help keep the morale high, particularly during these challenging times for many in law enforcement."

In this role, he said there are obstacles when trying to serve police, but Fr. Glover said he tries to relate as best he can. "The church has gone through its own scandal, so I know what it's like to have a very few number unfortunately, people of tarnished, if you will, the image and cause others to begin stereotyping. And I imagine that's very much what our law enforcement officials feel."

Rev. Al Sharpton gave the eulogy. Breonna Taylor's sister attended along with George Floyd's brother, both of whom were killed due to violence from police.