WASHINGTON, D.C. - We are inching closer and closer to the 2024 elections. Many candidates are starting to throw their hat in the ring for the presidential and other big elections. Now, congressional members are pushing communities to get new federal funding that focuses on enhancing election security. 

Following the 2020 election, people who voted for former President Donald Trump cast a lot of doubt about the election integrity. While there has been no findings of widespread fraud, our elections and it’s integrity is a foundation of our democracy. This is something that other countries look to us for guidance. Senator Gary Peters (D- MI) urged the Department of Homeland Security to prioritize election security funding, which is what the department did following that call.  

Under the $1.12 billion dollar Homeland Security Grant Program, DHS designated election security as a key funding priority. DHS said the money will help state, local, tribal and territorial governments as well as nonprofit organizations to prevent, prepare, protect against and respond to potential terrorist attacks. Senator Peters along with many senate democrats who are applauding the Department on prioritizing funding on this. They stress that free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy and enhancing election security is critical to our communities.  

“It's absolutely critical that we continue to make sure that our elections are secure,” said Sen. Peters. “I think it's important to note that in the last few elections, they have been free and fair. There is no evidence of widespread fraud, but that doesn't mean we should ever let our guard down. We should always be prepared to protect that system. You know, our democracy is based on the notion that we have elections. And then when you vote in those elections, your vote is counted and it is secure. And we just want to make sure that we continue the record we've had in the past of having free and fair elections.” 

The new guidance will help states with additional resources to strengthen cybersecurity and safeguard our voting systems. Peters adds these funds will also help address unacceptable threats against election workers who are essential to our democracy. The Senator is hoping our local communities look into this grant funding.