WASHINGTON, D.C. - Experts acknowledge Artificial Intelligence, better known as AI, is evolving and expanding as more companies pivot towards this technology. AI has been getting a lot of national attention recently, including the focus of congressional hearings. During one Senate hearing, there was a largely common agreement that congress needs to get ahead of AI in terms of regulation. While members said there are hopes for the future of AI, there is also a lot of concern surrounding it.  

While you see Senator Richard Blumenthal (D- CT) not moving his mouth, you can hear an audio clip that sounds like him in the background. According to the Senator, he never personally recorded himself saying any of that.  

“The audio was an AI voice cloning software trained on my floor speeches,” said Sen. Blumenthal. “The remarks were written by ChatGPT when it was asked how I would open this hearing.”  

The Senator used that as an example of what AI could be used for, like speech writing, based on data and research an AI system collects.  

“We could be looking at the most significant technological innovations in human history,” said Sen. Josh Hawley (R- MO). “And I think my question is what kind of innovation will it be?” 

Lawmakers on both sides agree the promises of ai to help develop new understandings in things like science and health are encouraging but it could bring potential harms like killing jobs or spreading misinformation.   

“I think if this technology goes wrong, it can go quite wrong,” said Samuel Altman, the CEO of OpenAI.  

Altman told Senators he largely agrees with them for having government regulations for the up-and-coming industry.  

“For example, the US government might consider licensing and testing requirements for development and release of AI models above a threshold of capabilities,” suggested Altman.  

Lawmakers want to get ahead by creating rules for AI in terms of transparency, accountability and limits for AI use.  

 “Congress failed to meet the moment with social media, now we have an obligation to do it on AI before the threats and the risks become real,” said Sen. Blumenthal.  

Even though there was this big call for congress to regulate AI, it’s still unclear how they would do it. In the past, tech giants and partisan fighting has got in the way of legislation on things like data and privacy and safety. 

Senators also discussed how the workforce will be impacted by AI. Experts urged members to start thinking ahead in terms of job training and job development alongside AI.