ALBANY, NY (Erie News Now)-- This upcoming legislative session some New York State lawmakers plan to continue fighting for a bill to create a universal healthcare system. 

Sen. Gustavo Rivera (D-33rd Senate District), a sponsor of the bill, said health care is a human right. 

“It should not be determined by your wealth, we need to move away from that,” said Sen. Rivera. 

Some Republican lawmakers push back on this proposal because of how much it could cost the state. 

“It’s gonna be doubling or more, more than doubling the state budget at this point. It's not economically feasible,” said Sen. Tom O’Mara (R-Big Flats). 

Sen. O'Mara said state lawmakers should focus on addressing communities without healthcare access rather than changing the healthcare system entirely. 

Sen. Rivera argued the current system doesn't guarantee every New Yorker healthcare. 

Several states across the country have attempted to implement a universal healthcare system. Rivera feels while there may be challenges, New York will be able to implement a universal healthcare system successfully.

“We are aiming to do something revolutionary for the U.S.,” he said.