Erie City Council passed two City Revitalization and Improvement Zone (CRIZ) ordinances as well as voting for Erie to be considered a sanctuary city for LGBTQIA+ community.

Both CRIZ ordinances addressed how the nine members who will sit on the CRIZ Authority Board will be picked.

The first ordinance put forward by Erie City Council President Chuck Nelson would see City Council pick two members, State Representatives Pat Harkins and Bob Merski each pick one, State Senator Dan Laughlin pick two and Erie Mayor Joe Schember pick three. 

The second ordinance that was put forward by State Senator Dan Laughlin and Erie Mayor Joe Schember would see Laughlin get five picks and Mayor Schember get four picks.

Erie City Council also passed a resolution for Erie to be a sanctuary city for members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Residents spoke for and against the resolution.

"What we should be doing instead of singling out a certain group is including everybody and it is not right to exclude everybody else in favor of one group of people," said Steve Balczon, an Erie resident.

"For Erie to be a sanctuary city is a huge step LGBTQIA+ community specifically because there is not another sanctuary city in Pennsylvania at all and we are around a bunch of red states," said Gabe Genua, an Erie resident.