Justin Bruce, a meteorologist in Las Vegas, explains what the area could see coming in the next few days.

"This is going to be a rain issue and this could be a big rain issue," Bruce said.

As Las Vegas prepares for Hurricane Hilary, Bruce is concerned with the desert being able to handle all the rain in a short amount of time.

"Unlike back in Erie you can handle a couple of inches of rain and it soaks into the soil and it is no big deal, here we could have a quarter inch of rain in Las Vegas and because it is not penetrating the ground it is run off and we have a bit of an elevation difference so a quarter inch to a half inch of rain can cause flooding," Bruce said.

Bruce said that authorities are concerned about the forecast and are taking action on some outdoor events throughout the weekend.

"Up in the mountainous terrain there might be four, five or six inches of rain and as it all comes downhill, I anticipate pretty big flash flooding concerns at some point in time, Saturday, Sunday and into Monday so that is one way we are preparing we are closing down some outdoor recreation activities," Bruce said.