Remember that song by Cyndi Lauper that was released in the 1980s called “Girls Just Want to Have Fun”?  Well, there's a nationwide women's organization whose membership lives-up to that song title.  They enjoy adventures in the great outdoors.  

Some members gathered in Erie to have some outdoor fun.  I have been invited to tag along. The organization is called Sisters on the Fly.  We are meeting at the Presque Isle Passage Campground. I must admit, I'm not one who really enjoys camping.   I approach the campsite to meet the group.  Hey, this outing doesn't look so bad.  I always envisioned camping as tents, sleeping bags, no running water, and cooking weenies over the fire. This group is enjoying a baked potato bar, salad, and margaritas.  I like it.

Marie Scalera. of Erie, organized the local get-together of Sisters on the Fly.

"It gives us women, whether were married, mothers, or whatever, a chance to be kids again.  Have fun.   So, that's what it's all about,” says Marie.  

Sisters on the Fly was founded in 1999 by two sisters from California who had a blast while learning to fly fish. They decided to form an organization so they could include other women in their outdoor adventures.  The organization now has over 20,000 members nationwide.  Individual members usually host adventures near their hometowns. They also travel to as many other outings as they want.

Robin Clark came to the Erie outing from Tonawanda, New York.

"No matter where you're from, there's an event somewhere near you or just a couple hours away at least,” she said.  “You get the camaraderie.  It's just fantastic.  All the sisters and everything.  They all treat you like family and it's great."  

The motto for Sisters on the Fly is "No Men. No Kids. Be Nice. Have Fun."  This particular group made an exception and invited their husbands.  Sisters came to Erie from New York, Ohio, New Jersey, Maryland, and Indiana. They would spend four days in Erie.  They would go fly fishing, travel to Presque Isle, and tour the area's lighthouses.

"You meet friends every time you come to one of these events,” says Karen Paulsen, of Oberlin, Ohio.  “I'm meeting ladies from New Jersey and Maryland that I have not met before.  So it's always nice to make connections.  They invite you to come out to see them.  So it's another place to go."   

Karen eliminated any conceived notions I had about camping.  She says most members of Sisters on the Fly go "glamping."  Glamorous Camping.  Karen's customized her own camper.  It includes a bed, running water, a toilet, a refrigerator, and a table. Wow! Sisters on the Fly enjoy the outdoors in style! 

Pass me another margarita.

For information on Sisters on the Fly, including how to become a member, log on to the organization’s website.