When Jean Farver graduated from the University of Massachusetts, all she was thinking about was going to graduate school, not the military.

But it took just one trip to the Navy recruiter's office to change her mind and she then embarked on a 26 year career of military service.

Jean Farver was on active duty for seven years but when she was about to start a family, she was told she could no longer serve. The rules at the time put a temporary halt on her career. 

"So I got off active duty, and my husband was still active duty," said Jean. "We transferred up to Buffalo, and we were at a cocktail party and there was a Navy captain there who said 'You're former active duty and you're not going into the reserves?' and he said 'I can fix that.'" 

Seven female family members have served including two of her daughters, Allison and Colleen.

"Well they didn't follow in m footsteps, they tripped," said Jean. "They went into the Air Force and I was in the Navy so they were close. There were good reasons for both. I was pleased because it meant a lot of me, I learned a lot of things, I had been to places I never would have gone." 

The military journey for this Corry resident of over thirty years was smooth and enjoyable.

"All of us that served, it's just nice for people to say 'thank you' however they do it," said Jean. "I've had a lot of people say thank you." 

Jean was one of the first females assigned to a deployable seagoing squadron and the only female in the squadron of over 200 men.

She ended her career in 1994 as commanding officer of naval reserve intelligence unit in Washington, D.C. 

Jean Farver, thank you for your service.