For the first time in the Warner Theatre's nearly century long history, a ghost hunt took place throughout the building's halls.

"Some of the claims have been possibly a woman apparition walking up the staircase to the balcony area," said James Tuhulski, founder and lead investigator of Eerie Unknown.

"Across the mainstage area, there was an old stage hand that passed away a while back. They believed that could be him, they've seen apparitions walk across the stage in that area as well, so those are the two main claims that we're going to try to see if we can figure out tonight."

Tuholski's group is looking for several claims throughout the theatre; but one of the most notable stories they've heard is the one of a former stagehand known as Vinny - who has an affinity for cigars.

Tuholski and his team used a device called a REM pod, which they believe detected a presence of some kind in the theatre's projection room.

Assistant investigator Scott Dunkle explains.

"We had our R.E.M. pod set up and the R.E.M. pod went off which is usually an indication that there could be an entity in the room," said Dunkle.

"We asked it to back away, the R.E.M. pod shut itself off. We asked to do it one more time, the R.E.M. pod came on, waited for a few seconds, asked it to back away and on command, it backed away."

So does Tuholski feel that the Warner Theatre has paranormal activity?

"I would say yes there is some thing here," continued Tuhulski. "How haunted it is, how active it is I can't necessarily say that."