The Warren Lions Club in collaboration with the City of Warren Police are gearing up to host a Bike Rodeo, May 4th in downtown Warren.

The Rodeo will be located on Liberty Street, running from 11:00AM until 1:00PM, where the City of Warren Police Bike Officers will be on hand assisting children with bike safety.

There will be games, snacks and give-a-ways as well including a bike raffle courtesy of Warren Cycle Shop.

“Our Bike Officers will be there with some of our new e-bikes, so the kids can come check those out," stated Jeff Dougherty, Warren Police Captain. "It’s a rodeo, so they will be able to ride their bikes on the street, which will be completely shut down and safe. We also went through our bicycle impound and we found six bikes that we have cleaned up and are going to give away to any child who is in need of a bike."

"I'm looking forward to the rodeo," stated Alex Suppa, Warren Police Bike Patrolman. "It's great to see come up and ride bikes, learning, and getting better at them. We also want to encourage them to be more friendly with law enforcement.”

Officers are excited for this opportunity to engage with the community and assist the youngest members of town.

For more information about the upcoming Bike Rodeo, visit here.