The Erie Port Authority is considering bringing back its water taxi service.

The Erie Port Authority began offering the water taxi service back in 2000, to help people travel from the city to Presque Isle.

However, the Port Authority has not offered the service since 2019.

"We've heard from the community, the need, the desire to have water taxis back up and running," said Erie Port Authority Executive Director Julie Slomski. "The vessels are being assessed to really see what needs repaired."

According to Slomski, once the assessment is complete, the port authority will solicit bids to find a qualified operator.
"A lot of folks enjoy it," said Slomski. "They may not own a boat and enjoy a little cruise on the bay to head over to Presque Isle. Tourists have reached out as well. Folks have been calling the office saying, is that back and running yet? Unfortunately, not yet, but again, it's something we hope to be able to move forward after they are assessed, and if we can, publicize that request for proposal (RFP), if we're successful, having a vessel for this summer."